Margin Analysis (J55)

Margin Analysis (J55)

Profitability Analysis enables you to evaluate market segments. This action can be classified according to products, customers, orders, or any combination of these, or according to strategic business units, such as sales organizations or profitability segments with respect to your company's profit or contribution margin.

After carrying out assessments, the application includes several reports to analyze the data including Market Segment Report and Profit Center analysis.

Key Process Steps Covered

  • Perform actual assessment to CO-PA to transfer cost center costs to CO-PA for profitability analysis
  • Run the Market Segments Actual Report


  • Gain more insight into the profitability of market segments (I.e., product, customer, orders, or strategic business units (such as sales organizations or profitability segments) with respect to your company's profit or contribution margin
  • Facilitate period-end closing

Where is Margin Analysis(J55) being used?

This Scope item is used in the following way:

  • As a management function of Cost Management and Profitability Analysis within Finance Scope Item Group

Process flow of Margin Analysis (J55)

Find below the process flow of the scope item Margin Analysis as it is defined for release s4h-2021.

Download Process Flow of Best Practice scenario Margin Analysis (J55) - S/4HANA OP
Ref: Finance of SAP S4H-2021
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*2) The Quarterly updates are released per Februari, May, August and November
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