Advanced Payment Management (4MT)

Advanced Payment Management (4MT)

Advanced Payment Management supports the monitoring and approval of payments for both SAP systems and non-SAP systems. In the overall process, there’s a seamless integration with cash management. The conversion of various payment formats is also supported (for example, converting CSV or TXT files to XML).

Key Process Steps Covered

  • Approve payment batch file
  • Approve payment batch
  • Process payment batch


  • Provide a single source of truth for payment approval and monitoring for SAP and non-SAP systems
  • Increase the level of automation along the entire end-to-end process
  • Increase transactional throughput of payments in an environment where payment volumes are significantly increasing
  • Handle formats centrally

Additional Information

  • This scope item requires an additional SAP S/4HANA Cloud license
  • This scope item is excluded from the default activation

This scope item requires licenses for Advanced Payment Management, Advanced Cash Management, and SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity. The following scope items are a prerequisite for the use of Advanced Payment Management (4MT): Advanced Bank Account Management (J77), Advanced Cash Operations (J78), and Multi-Bank Connectivity (16R).

Where is Advanced Payment Management(4MT) being used?

This Scope item is used in the following way:

  • As a support function of Treasury Management within Finance Scope Item Group

Process flow of Advanced Payment Management (4MT)

Find below the process flow of the scope item Advanced Payment Management as it is defined for release s4hc-2111.

Download Process Flow of Best Practice scenario Advanced Payment Management (4MT) - S/4HANA Cloud
Ref: Finance of SAP S4HC-2111
Best Practices related to S/4HANA*1) Yearly Updates are released per September of each year
*2) The Quarterly updates are released per Februari, May, August and November
Details of future releases can be found in the SAP Roadmap section of each product. Go to SAP Roadmap Product Finder.
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