Convergent Invoicing for the Utilities Industry (3L1)

Convergent Invoicing for the Utilities Industry (3L1)

The main business of utilities companies is shifting increasingly from sales of commodity products (such as energy and gas) to noncommodity products (such as e-mobility, solar panels, and maintenance services). This means that there's a huge benefit for utilities companies to use convergent invoicing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud as the central invoicing engine for all products. Adding utilities-specific fields to the billable items enables utilities companies to use SAP S/4HANA for convergent invoicing for commodity invoicing and create a single invoice document for the customer. The statistical budget billing procedure is also supported.

Key Process Steps Covered

  • Send utilities-specific billing data as billable items to SAP S/4HANA Cloud for contract accounting and invoicing
  • Perform invoicing for this billing data in SAP S/4HANA Cloud for contract accounting and invoicing
  • Print the invoice including utilities-specific information in SAP S/4HANA Cloud for contract accounting and invoicing
  • Manage a statistical budget billing plan in SAP S/4HANA Cloud for contract accounting and invoicing


  • Use SAP S/4HANA Cloud for contract accounting and invoicing to invoice commodity bills
  • Produce a single convergent invoicing document for customers
  • Use the utilities-specific billable item interface to send rated items to SAP S/4HANA Cloud for contract accounting and invoicing

Additional Information

  • This scope item requires an additional SAP S/4HANA Cloud license

Where is Convergent Invoicing for the Utilities Industry(3L1) being used?

This Scope item is used in the following way:

  • As a core function of Subscription Billing and Revenue Management within Finance Scope Item Group

No Process Flow details available for scope item Convergent Invoicing for the Utilities Industry(3L1)-s4hc-2111
Ref: Finance of SAP S4HC-2111
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*2) The Quarterly updates are released per Februari, May, August and November
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