Hedge Accounting for FX Option - Group Ledger US GAAP (3X4)
This process helps you to mitigate profit and loss volatility from the use of derivatives.
Currently, the scope item supports US GAAP as group ledger and covers Cash Flow Hedge using European Style FX Option as hedging instruments.
The functionality helps you to automate labor-intensive processes, such as calculating net open exposure amount, creating hedging relationship for hedge item and hedge instrument, determining the key figures calculation (NPV, Intrinsic Value, Time Value), performing the valuation of FX transaction, checking classification, dealing with the dedesignation, and generating posting journal reports.
Key Process Steps Covered
- Define hedging area based on hedging policy
- Enrich, upload and release forecast and planning data
- Determine net open exposure and make hedging decision
- Execute FX transactions
- Prepare and release designation
- Determine NPV, execute valuation and classification at period end
- Dedesignate and reclassify at contract close
- Postings
- Provide an overview of exposure, hedges, and net open exposure amount
- Reduce manual operation, such as hedge relationship designation, and dedesignation
- Automate financial postings in accordance with US GAAP hedge accounting
- Make better operational and strategic decisions using the comprehensive reporting and analysis tools
Additional Information
- This scope item requires an additional SAP S/4HANA Cloud license
- This scope item is excluded from the default activation
All starter, demo, and trial systems are by default setup with group ledger IFRS. This scope item is therefore excluded. Customers can decide to use this scope item in the Q- and P-system based on the selected scope bundle.
Where is Hedge Accounting for FX Option - Group Ledger US GAAP(3X4) being used?
This Scope item is used in the following way:
- As a support function of Treasury Management within Finance Scope Item Group