Make-to-Order Production for Sales Kits with Variant Configuration (4OC)
Customers want to have a way to use variant configuration and show the component as sales kits (SET) during order taking and follow up processes.
This scope item shows a make-to-order production scenario for sales kits using advanced variant configuration for an efficient state-of-the-art configuration of a material ordered by a customer.
The configurable material is defined as a SET material. In this process, a sales order is created with an individual configuration for a robot bundle. This is captured by defining the different component characteristics desired by the customers and considering the constraints and dependencies of the components. The sales price calculation is then based on the individually chosen characteristics of the components. The sales order is considered for production planning when doing the materials requirements planning. The production execution for the individual robot bundle takes place before delivering it to the customer. The process finishes with the billing to the customer.
Key Process Steps Covered
- Create a customer sales order
- Show the variant configurable materials in the sales order (as sales BOM)
- Calculate sales prices based on the customer's chosen characteristics for the configurable product
- Execute the make-to-order production of the robot bundle ordered by the customer with routings according to the configuration
- Improve your company's sales and manufacturing performance with sales kits that cover integrated advanced variant configuration
- Enable your business processes to handle highly individualized products in sales and manufacturing
- Leverage the sophisticated algorithms in the performance-optimized rules engine within a state-of-the-art configurator
- Use dependencies to select exactly the right components and to prevent combinations of options that aren’t allowed
- Get sales pricing and printout according to the configuration
Where is Make-to-Order Production for Sales Kits with Variant Configuration(4OC) being used?
This Scope item is used in the following way:
- As a core function of Production Operations within Manufacturing Scope Item Group