Manage Payment Advice
Manage Payment Advice
This scope item collects a remittance file from the user mailbox, upload the information to the S/4 HANA FIORI application for remittance advice and trigger the Cash Application.
The Cash Application is a SAP Leonardo Machine Learning product embedded into the remittance advice FIORI. It matches the information found in the file with the open invoices in the Customer account. It enables an automated or clearing of the invoices based on this reconciliation.
The Cash Application is required for this bot to perform properly. The S/4 HANA scope item reference is 1MV - Cash Application.
Key Process Steps Covered by Manage Payment Advice
Collect file
Upload filet
Tigger reconciliation
Benefits of Manage Payment Advice
- Mailbox monitoring for new files to process
- Automatic upload of the file into the proper FIORI application
- Trigger the automation for Cash Application
Prerequisite Building Blocks of Manage Payment Advice
If you want to activate this scope item, you need to apply the following building blocks in the given sequence. For a complete overview of all scope items, see the Prerequisites Matrix. Before you start with the implementation, refer to the SAP Note and the attached Configuration Guide: Getting Started for the latest updates or enhancements to this package. You can find all links in the Content Library of this solution package.
- 48V: Configuration Guide
Where is Manage Payment Advice(48Q) being used?
This Scope item is used in the following way:
- As a support function of Robotic Process Automation integration within Finance Scope Item Group
No Process Flow details available for scope item Manage Payment Advice(48Q)-RPA-IPA10