Engineering Bill of Material - Change Master Management (1R3)
This scope item covers two central PLM BOM processes: setup and release steps for change master controlled Engineering BOM, and change iteration.
The change-number-controlled approach allows date-effectivity-based attributes management on the Engineering BOM (EBOM) header level and the Bill of Materials (BOM) items level. Setting the change number status to inactive releases the scope per change number. Once the status becomes inactive, changes are no longer possible. The EBOM header and items can only be changed with a new active change number. The change iteration process starts and ends again with setting the change number status to inactive. The process distinguishes between major changes of the BOM where it has been copied or created newly and minor changes where the BOM is being changed.
Key Process Steps Covered
- Create new BOM
- Create Change Master
- Create BOM
- Set Change Master status to inactive
- Form Fit Function Change - Negative case
- Change BOM
- Set Change Master status to inactive
- Form Fit Function Change - Positive case
- Copy (Create) Header Material
- Create Change Master
- Copy BOM
- Discard BOM
- Change BOM
- Set Change Master status to inactive
- Control engineering change management centrally with engineering change master
- Manage progress of engineering change
- Manage effective changed day in engineering change master
Additional Information
- This scope item is excluded from the default activation
This scope item describes the use of change masters to manage changes to engineering bills of material (EBOMs). This is only relevant for customers who want to leverage this functionality to control their EBOM processes.
Where is Engineering Bill of Material - Change Master Management(1R3) being used?
This Scope item is used in the following way:
- As a core function of Product Lifecycle Management within R&D/Engineering Scope Item Group